A CCESS G ATEWAY52 System AdministrationUsing the Web Management Interface (WMI)The Web Management Interface (WMI) is a “graphical” version of the Command LineInterface, comprised of HTML files. The HTML files are embedded in the Access Gatewayand are dynamically linked to the system’s functional command sets. You can access the WMIfrom any Web browser.To connect to the Web Management Interface, do the following:1. Establish a connection to the Internet.2. Open your Web browser.3. Enter the network interface IP address of the Access Gateway (set up during theinstallation process).4. Log in as usual (supplying your user name and password).To access any menu item from the WMI, simply click on the item you want. The correspondingwork screen then appears in the right side frame. From here you can control the features andsettings related to your selection. Although the appearance is very different from the CommandLine Interface, the information displayed to you is basically the same. The only differencebetween the two interfaces is in the method used for making selections and applying yourchanges (selections are checkable boxes, and applying your changes is achieved by pressingthe Submit button). Pressing the Reset button resets the screen to its previous state (clearingall your changes without applying them).Using an SNMP ManagerOnce the SNMP communities are established, you can connect to the Access Gateway via theInternet using an SNMP client manager (for example, HP OpenView). SNMP is the standardprotocol used in the Network Management (NM) system. This system contains two primaryelements: Manager – The console (client) through which system administrators performnetwork management functions. Agent – An SNMP-compliant device which stores data about itself in a ManagementInformation Base (MIB). The Access Gateway is an example of such a device.The Access Gateway contains managed objects that directly relate to its current operationalstate. These objects include hardware configuration parameters and performance statistics.Your browser preferences or Internet options should be set to compare loadedpages with cached pages.