A CCESS GATEWAYIntroduction 5the billable event on a number of different parameters such as time, volume, IP address type, orbandwidth.Access Control and AuthenticationThe Access Gateway ensures that all traffic to the Internet is blocked until authentication hasbeen completed, creating an additional level of security in the network. Also, the AccessGateway allows service providers to create their own unique “walled garden,” enabling usersto access only certain predetermined Web sites before they have been authenticated.Nomadix simultaneously supports the secure browser-based Universal Access Method(UAM), IEEE 802.1x, and Smart Clients for companies such as Adjungo Networks, BoingoWireless, GRIC and iPass. MAC-based authentication is also available.SecurityThe patented iNAT™ (Intelligent Network Address Translation) feature creates an intelligentmapping of IP Addresses and their associated VPN tunnels—by far the most reliable multi-session VPN passthrough to be tested against diverse VPN termination servers fromcompanies such as Cisco, Checkpoint, Nortel and Microsoft. Nomadix’ iNAT feature allowsmultiple tunnels to be established to the same VPN server, creating a seamless connection forall users on the network.The Access Gateway provides fine-grain management of DoS (Denial of Service) attacksthrough its Session Rate Limiting (SRL) feature, and MAC filtering for improved networkreliability.5-Step Service BrandingA network enabled with the Nomadix Access Gateway offers a 5-Step service brandingmethodology for service providers and their partners, comprising:1. Initial Flash Page branding.2. Initial Portal Page Redirect (Pre-Authentication). Typically, this is used to redirect the userto a venue-specific Welcome and Login page.3. Home Page Redirect (Post-Authentication). This redirect page can be tailored to theindividual user (as part of the RADIUS Reply message, the URL is received by the NSE)or set to re-display itself at freely configurable intervals.4. The Information and Control Console (ICC) contains multiple opportunities for anoperator to display its branding or the branding of partners during the user’s session. As analternative to the ICC, a simple pop-up window provides the opportunity to display asingle logo.