23HOW TO USE PROGRAMS DIRECTLY FROMOUR WEB SITEOur Web site at www.iFIT.com allows you to playiFIT.com audio and video programs directly from theinternet. To use programs from our Web site, the ellip-tical exerciser must be connected to your home com-puter. See HOW TO CONNECT YOUR COMPUTERon page 20. In addition, you must have an internetconnection and an internet service provider. A list ofspecific system requirements is found on our Website.Follow the steps below to use a program from ourWeb site.Begin pedaling to activate the console.See step 1 on page 13.Select the iFIT.com mode.When the console is turned on, the manual modewill be selected. To select the iFIT.com mode,press the iFIT.com button. The indicator abovethe button will light and the words “IFIT MODE”will appear in the main display.Go to your computer and start an internetconnection.Start your Web browser, if necessary, and goto our Web site at www.iFIT.com.Follow the desired links on our Web site toselect a program.Read and follow the on-line instructions for usinga program.Follow the on-line instructions to start theprogram.When you start the program, an on-screen count-down will begin.Return to the elliptical exerciser and beginpedaling.When the on-screen countdown ends, the pro-gram will begin. The program will function inalmost the same way as a personal trainer pro-gram (see step 3 on page 15). However, an elec-tronic “chirping” sound will alert you when theresistance setting and/or the pace setting is aboutto change.Monitor your progress with the main display.See step 4 on page 13.Measure your heart rate if desired.See step 5 on page 14.Turn on the fan if desired.See step 6 on page 14.When you are finished exercising, the consolewill automatically turn off.See step 7 on page 15.1110987654321