Termocamino 650 - 800Instruction Manual – Rev.07 – EN 31or by using a bracelet thermostat immediately installed on the delivery and calibrated at thementioned 65-70°C.8. AUTOMATIC THERMOSTATIC VALVE – Picture 17The automatic thermostatic mixing valve is used in the solid fuel thermoproducts as it prevents thatcold water returns into the exchanger.The ways 1 and 3 are always open and together with the pump installed on return ( R) theyguarantee water circulation inside the exchanger of biomass boiler ( CB ).A high return temperature allows to improve efficiency, reduce smokes condensation and lengthenthe boiler life.The valves in the market show different calibrations. La NORDICA suggest to use the 55°C modelwith 1” hydraulic connections. Once the valve calibration temperature is reached, the way 2 opensand the boiler water goes through the delivery ( M ) to the installation).IMPORTANT: if the device is not installed there will be not any guarantee on heating exchanger.IMPORTANT: the temperature safety probes mut be inside the machine or at 30 cm max from thethermoproduct delivery connection.Should the generators not provided with all devices , the missing ones can be installed on thethermoproduct within a distance of not more than 1 m from it.ATTENTION: for no reason the fire shall be lightened before the installation is completely full ofwater otherwise there will be a serious damage to the whole structure.We recommend providing an inspection door on the counterplate or elsewhere as suitable to provide easyaccessibility and visibility of the safety devices (pressure gauges, valves) .8.1. SYSTEM CONNECTION AND FILLING – Chapter 18On the right and left-hand sides of the thermo-fireplace there are couplings for the hot water in outputdelivery (upper part) while on the lower part there are those in return.WE RECOMMEND USING AN “INTERSECTING FLOW“ INSTALLATION (DELIVERY ON THE RIGHTWITH RETURN ON THE LEFT, OR DELIVERY ON THE LEFT WITH RETURN ON THE RIGHT).ATTENTION:The filling of the system must take place exclusively by the natural fall of the water from the openexpansion tank through the feed pipe in order to avoid that a too high water system grid pressurecould change or cause the explosion of boiler body.During this phase, open all the bleed valves of the radiators to prevent the formation of air sacks, checkingthe outlet of water to avoid unpleasant floodings.The watertight test of the installation is performed with the pressure of expansion tank open.The installation must always be full of water even when the thermo-fireplace is not used. Duringwinter season the non use has to be faced by adding antifreeze substances.Picture 17TERMOPRODOTTO55° 321MRCB