116 CS 1000 on Linux base(NN43001-116) () . For information about Network Routing Service (NRS)and SNMP on Linux base see Network Routing Service Installation andCommissioning (NN43001-564) () .Disaster recoveryHardware faults can occur that require disaster recovery. Recoveryhappens in two steps. First restore the Linux base (including operatingsystem) and then restore the applications.A file system backup and restore option supports the base disasterrecovery.During a system backup the following application data is backed up and isrestorable when the applications are reinstalled:• Enterprise Common Manager data• Subscriber Manager security certificates and CND connection details• Element Manager dataApplication configured system dataYou can configure values for routes, host records, and firewallrules using the CLI commands routeconfig, hostconfig, andbasefirewallconfig. These values are application configured systemdata. Application configured system data is backed up as part of theapplication data backup. For more information about Nortel Linux base CLIcommands see “ Nortel Linux base CLI commands” (page 139).Base recoveryAfter a successful base installation, you can choose to back upprespecified file systems (both executable binary and configuration datafiles) onto a USB or network Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) storagedevice.The following naming convention is used for the Linux base backuparchive:hostname-yyyy.mm.dd.hh.MM.ss.tar.gzFor example, hp3-e-2008. is a backup archive namewhere hp3-e is the host name. The archive name begins with the shorthost name (not the FQDN) and contains the following fields, which aredefined as follows:Nortel Communication Server 1000Linux Platform Base and Applications Installation and CommissioningNN43001-315 02.0929 October 2008Copyright © 2007–2008 Nortel Networks.