Install the CS 1000 applications 71• Primary ECM Server (install EM, Subscriber Manager, and the primaryECM security service)• Backup ECM Server (install EM, Subscriber Manager, and a backupECM security service)ATTENTIONThe first Linux server must be installed with the primary security service. Installthe second Linux server with the backup security service, and then installany other required Linux servers. After the installation is complete for eachinstallation option, you must log on to ECM and add the element (NetworkRouting Service or Element Manager) that was installed on each server. Formore information about adding elements, see Enterprise Common ManagerFundamentals (NN43001-116) () .Note: You can install the Primary and Backup Security Service witheither NRS or EM. The load on the NRS server is usually heavierthan the EM server. To optimize the servers load balance, Nortelrecommends that if both EM on Linux and NRS Manager on Linux areinstalled, then install the Primary Security Service with EM and installthe Backup Security Service with the Primary NRS server. In this casethe Secondary NRS becomes a security client of the Primary andBackup Security servers.If you are not installing EM on Linux, Nortel recommends that you installthe Primary Security Service with the Primary NRS server and install theBackup Security Service with the Secondary NRS server.At first logon to the Enterprise Common Manager (ECM) framework,change the password. For NRS password guidelines see Network RoutingService Installation and Commissioning (NN43001-564); for EM guidelinessee Element Manager System Reference—Administration (NN43001-632)() .If a password does not meet the policy requirements, the system rejects it.For the following procedures, installation initiates configuration of the soliddatabase.Installing the NRS applicationsUse this procedure to run the application CD-ROM after the reboot iscomplete for the Linux base installation.Installing the Primary Security Service and Network Routing ServiceStep Action1 Log on to the server using the nortel account.2 Insert the NRS CD-ROM in the CD-ROM tray.Nortel Communication Server 1000Linux Platform Base and Applications Installation and CommissioningNN43001-315 02.0929 October 2008Copyright © 2007–2008 Nortel Networks.