209MaintenanceIntroduction The following are maintenance tips for MCM 3.0 . For more information ontroubleshooting tips, see "Troubleshooting" (page 215) section.Communication Server 1000No new SIP tracing capabilities are available on the Communication Server1000. Existing SIP Trunk and Gateway tracing capabilities are used.MCM 3.0 MCM 3.0 provides the following maintenance features:ToolsMCM provides the following commands on the Tools menu:• Active Directory Query: Check phone to user-id mapping. DNs can beentered, and found user-ids are displayed• Backup Data: Back up a configuration file to the user specified location.• Restore Data: Restore configuration files from user specified location.• Set Log Level: Determine (configure) which information is logged in theMCM log file. For more information about logging, refer to Log files.• Get Active Calls Count: Show how many calls are connected throughOffice Communications Server. You can use the Traffic tool to captureSIP and SIP CTI calls and transactions per hour.— The Multimedia Convergence Manager 3.0 service provides a testcapability to retrieve user ID by phone number.— The Primary and Secondary NRS status utility is available from theapplication main window.— You can deploy Ethereal software on the OCS Proxy to provide calltraces. MCM also provides full SIP-tracing capability. MCM SIPtracing is important particularly when MTLS (Mutual Transport LayerSecurity) is enabled in future Communication Server 1000 releases-where SIP traces cannot be captured by a tool like Ethereal. MCMNortel Communication Server 1000Nortel Converged Office Fundamentals — Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007NN43001-121 01.03 StandardRelease 5.0 30 April 2008Copyright © 2005–2008, Nortel Networks.