58 Planning and engineeringTraffic (CCS) Traffic (Erlang) Number of ports2000 55.56 742500 69.44 903000 83.33 1063500 97.22 1214000 111.11 1374500 125 1525000 138.89 1686000 166.67 1987000 194.44 2288000 222.22 2589000 250 28810 000 277.78 31820 000 555.56 61130 000 833.33 90840 000 1111.11 120550 000 1388.89 150260 000 1666.67 179970 000 1944.44 2096Basic Client ConfigurationThe PCAG and PCAM Class of Service (CLS) have been introduced. BasicClient Configuration (BCC) can program the new Class of Service (CLS)parameters PCAG or PCAM for PCA TNs. The CLS parameter PCAG willbe the default for all PCA TNs and PCAM will be the required value for allPCAs associated with OCS 2007.LD 11 supports the administration of telephones. BCC uses REQcommands, such as NEW, CHG, and OUT. In LD 20, BCC uses the PRTcommand to retrieve phones from the Call Server.Port useThe CS 1000 uses the following ports related to TCP and TLS.• 5060: TCP• 5061: TLSThe dynamic port range used by Office Communicator for SIP/RTP is 1024- 65535.Nortel Communication Server 1000Nortel Converged Office Fundamentals — Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007NN43001-121 01.03 StandardRelease 5.0 30 April 2008Copyright © 2005–2008, Nortel Networks.