Accessing External Server Applications192Accessing External ServerApplicationsUse External Server Applications to access a variety of applicationsdirectly from your IP Phone 1140E.To find out what features and services are available, contact your systemadministrator. Depending on what is available on your system, yourphone can provide information; for example, local news and weather,stock market information, or traffic reports.For more information about the External Server Applications, consult theNortel IP Phone External Server Applications User Guide.Using Record On Demand keyIf this feature is enabled, you can use the Record on Demand (ROD)feature key to record your telephone conversation.Press the ROD key to start or stop the call recording. This key isassociated with the active user ID and is displayed only if a call is active.The ROD key blinks while it is connecting to the call recording application,and is lit when the call is recording.The ROD key is displayed in the following scenarios:• Normal operation - Press the ROD key during an active call to recordthe call.• Call Recording (CR) application in ROD Mode - Press the ROD keyduring an active call to record the call• Bulk Recording - For an active call or unregistered DN/Position ID,call recording is initiated even though the ROD key is not pressed..1. Press the ROD key during an active call.