Virtual Private Network55on page 55. This is the IP Address of your PC running the Wizardtool. Use the IP Phone keypad to enter the Provision: or (TFTP IP)address of the provisioning server.Note: To enter a dot (period) when entering an IP address using theIP Phone keypad, press the 1 key repeatedly or you can double-pressthe asterisk (*) key.Figure 18: Prepare Phone for Configuration (InputProvisioning Server IP address) windowORIf you cannot locate the Provisioning Server address, contactyour system administrator to obtain the IP address and follow theadministrator instructions.Click No to return to the Prepare Phone for Configurationwindow shown in Figure 16 on page 53.g. To reset the IP Phone and begin the software update, press theApply&Reset key on the IP Phone.The progress bar displays the percent complete of the softwaretransfer.