Configuring Local Menu options93Note: You can select the Headset Type only for the Nortel USBHeadset Adapters. If the Nortel USB Headset Adapter is notdetected, the Headset Type selection is disabled and cannot bemodified.7. Select the Back Light check box to control the backlight on theNortel USB Headset Adapters. This check box is selected bydefault.Note: If the Nortel USB Headset Adapter is not detected this item isdisabled and cannot be modified.Limitations and Advisories• USB headsets consume power from the USB port in order to operate.The USB port on the IP Phone imposes a limit of only 100mA. Thelimit of 100mA is sufficient to power the Nortel USB Adaptersbut is not sufficient to power the wireless headsets from GNNetcom an Plantronics. Also 100mA is not sufficient to powerthe Algo 4900 USB ATA.• USB Audio support does not include stereo audio.• Changes have occurred regarding the provisioning of Bluetooth onthe IP Phone 1140E and 1150E. With UNIStim 3.1, the Bluetoothsetup page no longer provides the option to select Bluetooth