About the Nortel IP Phone 1140E16Use the Expand to PC key to accessexternal server applicationsPress the Headset key to answer a callusing the headset or to switch a call from thehandset or handsfree to the headset.Note: The Headset LED indicator,located on the Headset key, lights toindicate that the headset is in use.Use the Goodbye key to terminate an activecall.When a message is waiting, the orangeMessage waiting indicator flashes. Also,this indicator flashes when the set ringer ison.When a data-related message, such as aninstant message, is received, the blue Datamessage waiting indicator flashes. Also,this indicator flashes when a contact hascome online.Note: This function requires serversupport and, therefore, is not availableon all phones; consult youradministrator.Press the Copy Key to copy entries to yourPersonal Directory from other lists, such asthe Caller List, Redial List, and CorporateDirectory.(Expand to PC)(Headset)(Goodbye)(Copy)