Talking with more than one person95To answer a group call:To end a group call:— When a person in your group is on aconference call or another groupcall, they are not connected to yourgroup call.— After everyone in the group hasanswered, only the person whomade the group call can put the callon hold.1. Lift the handset. Note the following aboutnotification tones:— If you are on a call and receive three10-second tones, this is thenotification of a group call on yourcurrent extension.— If you are on a call on another linewhen a group call is made, youreceive a long tone through thehandset or speaker.— If you are already on a conferencecall or another group call, you do notreceive notification of a group call.Press the Goodbye key.Note: When the person who made thegroup call disconnects, the callterminates for all members of the group.However, the members of the group callcan disconnect from the call and notaffect other members on the call.(Goodbye)