282 Appendix G Command InterpreterNN47923-501private Turns private mode on or off.active Enables or disables a static route rule.dropIcmp [0|1] Sets whether or not the device allows ICMPfragment packets.igmpdebug [level] Sets IGMP debug level.forwardall [on|off] Activates or deactivates IGMP forwarding toall interfaces flag.querier [on|off] Turns on or off IGMP stop query flag.iface grouptmSets IGMP group timeout for the specifiedinterface. intervalSets IGMP query interval for the specifiedinterface. joinAdds an interface to a group. leaveRemoves an interface from a group. query Sends an IGMP query on the specifiedinterface. rsptime[time]Sets the IGMP response time. start Turns on IGMP on the specified interface. stop Turns off IGMP on the specified interface. ttlSets the IGMP Time To Live threshold. v1compat[on|off]Turns on or off IGMP version 1 compatibilityon the specified interface.robustness Sets the IGMP robustness variable.status Displays the IGMP status.algdisplay Shows whether the Application LayerGateway is enabled or disabled.siptimeout insecond> or 0 forno timeoutSets the SIP timeout period.Table 67 IP commandsCommand Description