WLAN Handset 2210/2211/2212 101Because the WEP encryption algorithm is compromised, it does not thwartdetermined attackers and eavesdroppers. Even 128-bit WEP is only roughlytwice as secure as 40-bit WEP. Therefore, the effort to program manyhandsets with 128-bit keys may not be worth the effort put into it.For the best security on the WLAN Handsets 2210/2211/6120/6140, useWPA2-PSK; for best handset security on the WLAN Handset 2212, useIPsec VPN.The following are the security options:• * None—disables any 802.11 encryption or security authenticationmechanisms.• WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)—a wireless encryption protocol thatencrypts data frames on the wireless medium, providing greater securityin the wireless network. If WEP Encryption is required at this site, eachwireless handset must be configured to correspond with the encryptionprotocol configured up in the APs. Select the entries from the followingoptions to enable the wireless handset to acquire the system.Note 1: By default, WEP options are off. If WEP is desired, optionsmust be configured in the wireless handset that match thoseconfigured in the APs.Note 2: Encryption codes are displayed as they are entered. Forsecurity reasons, codes are not displayed when a user returns to theAdmin menu Encryption options.Note 3: WEP can be configured to optional at the AP if there arewireless devices in use that do not have WEP capability. All wirelessdevices must be upgraded to WEP capability for a fully securedWEP environment.Note 4: WEP settings must match the AP settings.Configure each of the following options to match exactly the settingsin the APs:— Authentication—select either Open System or Shared Key.— WEP—select either WEP Off or WEP On.— Key Information—scroll through the options.– Default Key—enter the preshared key number specified for useby the wireless handsets. This is 1 through 4.– Key Length—select either 40-bit or 128-bit depending on thekey length specified for use at this site.– Key 1-4—scroll to the key option that corresponds to theDefault Key that was entered above. Press Select and enterthe encryption key as a sequence of hexadecimal characters.Nortel Communication Server 1000WLAN Handsets FundamentalsNN43001-505 01.04 StandardRelease 5.0 4 September 2007Copyright © 2007, Nortel Networks.