162 TroubleshootingMODEL:NT CODE: NT2K00GICOLOR CODE: 66RLS CODE: 0SER NUM: 7641C7FWSW VERSION: 0602B59.idu 62 2I2004 TN: 062 0 00 02 VTN ID CODE: i2004ISET MAC ADR: 00:90:7A:01:7E:47ISET IP ADR: 192 .168 .010 .200LTPS IP ADR: 047 .011 .214 .165MANUFACTURER CODE: [NAME]MODEL:NT CODE: NTTQ5010COLOR CODE: 66RLS CODE: 7SER NUM: 017E47FWSW VERSION: 097.021LD 32 STAT commandThe wireless handsets are shown REGISTERED in the standby and activemodes. In the following example, 61 0 is an IP Phone 2004 and 62 2 is aWLAN Handset 2211 in the standby mode..stat 61 0IDLE REGISTERED 00.stat 62 2IDLE REGISTERED 00LD 117 Inventory commandIn the inventory report, the wireless handsets have a specific release codeand NT code, similar to the IDU command output. In the following example,61 0 is an IP Phone 2004 and 62 2 is a WLAN Handset 2211.=> inv prt setsSet inventory:17 10 2003 8 17 21, 17 10 2003 8 17 22, 6i2004, 61 00, i2004 NT2K00GI 66 0 7641C7, I2004 , 6000i2004, 62 02, i2004 NTTQ5010 66 7 017E47, I2211 , 6502LD 117 STIP commandThe STIP command can be used for wireless handsets; however, thewireless handset alias IP address appears as the TERMIP in the commandoutput, instead of physical IP address. In the following example, the192.168.10.200 is an alias IP address assigned by the WLAN IP TelephonyManager 2245.Nortel Communication Server 1000WLAN Handsets FundamentalsNN43001-505 01.04 StandardRelease 5.0 4 September 2007Copyright © 2007, Nortel Networks.