104 Chapter 5 Configuring the systemNN46110-500The MSS should be 40 bytes less than the largest packet the implementationcan re-assemble.5 Interface filter shows whether or not the Nortel VPN Router Firewall is inuse (this reflects the selection on the Services > Firewall window).This entry also shows the interface filter that is currently being used by theNortel VPN Router Firewall. Select from a list of all interface filters that havebeen set up on the Nortel VPN Router (on the Profiles > Filters window), andto select a different filter for the Nortel VPN Router Firewall.6 Use the New Interface Filter link to go to the Profiles > Filters window andcreate a new filter. The default Interface Filter setting is Deny All.You can copy an existing tunnel filter for use as an interface filter or vice versa.However, when you copy a filter, the operation does not copy any components(such as a rule, port, protocol, or address) that have the same name as an existingcomponent in the destination filter set. You should use unique names for thedevice in all filter rules.Note: If you change the interface filter setting, a message informs youthat you must restart your Nortel VPN Router before the new interfacefilter is used. If the Nortel VPN Router Firewall is not enabled, the newselection has no effect.