158 Chapter 8 Configuring IPSec mobility and persistent modeNN46110-500IPSec mobility performs at higher level than physical adapters. As a result, thePC on which the Nortel VPN Client runs can change between any physicaladapters (wireless or wireline) and roaming will continue to work as long asthere is IP connectivity between the Nortel VPN Router and the client with thenewly acquired address/interface. If you have problems with roaming tospecific interfaces, make sure that you can establish an initial connection withthat adapter to prove that there is IP connectivity.To configure the Nortel VPN Router using CLI, you need to either telnet to theNortel VPN Router or connect to it through the Serial Interface > option L on themenu.Enter the privileged mode:CES>enablePassword:Enter configuration mode:CES#configure terminalEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with Ctrl/z.CES(config)#To install advanced routing license:CES(config)#license install ar To verify the license has been installed:CES(config)#show licenseAdvanced Routing InstalledContivity Stateful Firewall Not installedData Link Switching Not installedTo enter a group IPSec configuration mode, for example, for group Base:CES(config)#group ipsec "/Base"CES(config-group/ipsec)#