16 PrefaceNN46110-500braces ({}) Indicate required elements in syntax descriptions wherethere is more than one option. You must choose onlyone of the options. Do not type the braces whenentering the command.Example: If the command syntax is ldap-serversource {external | internal}, you must entereither ldap-server source external orldap-server source internal, but not both.brackets ([ ]) Indicate optional elements in syntax descriptions. Donot type the brackets when entering the command.Example: If the command syntax isshow ntp [associations], you can entereither show ntp or show ntp associations.Example: If the command syntax is default rsvp[token-bucket {depth | rate}], you can enterdefault rsvp, default rsvp token-bucketdepth, or default rsvp token-bucket rate.ellipsis points (. . . ) Indicate that you repeat the last element of thecommand as needed.Example: If the command syntax ismore diskn:/...,you enter more and the fully qualified name of the file.italic text Indicates new terms, book titles, and variables incommand syntax descriptions. Where a variable is twoor more words, the words are connected by anunderscore.Example: If the command syntax isping , ip_address is one variableand you substitute one value for it.plain Couriertext Indicates system output, for example, prompts andsystem messages.Example: File not found.