Chapter 2 Pre-upgrade activities 17Upgrade GuideRecord-keeping tasksThe following information is not preserved by the upgrade process. Make note of theconfigurations so you can reenter the information after the upgrade is complete:• User accounts, groups, and permissions: The user accounts, groups, and permissions are notpreserved during the upgrade. You must reenter this information after the upgrade is complete.The groups and privileges are implemented differently in BCM 4.0 than in BCM 3.6/3.7. Youmust review the groups and privileges for each of your user accounts relative to the BCM 4.0groups and privileges. Document the current settings so they may be reentered once theupgrade completes.• IPSec remote user accounts: The IPSec remote user accounts are not preserved during theupgrade. You must reenter this information after the upgrade is complete. However, the IPSecbranch office accounts are preserved after the upgrade.• Scheduled tasks: Make note of any scheduled tasks, such as BRU, CDR, and logmanagement. These tasks must be reentered in Element Manager after the upgrade.• Firewall record: Note if Firewall Filter logging is required.• SIP: Determine if the system requires SIP and note the settings.• Modem: If the system uses a modem, note the Modem Access Parameters.• ISDN: If the system uses ISDN, note the ISDN Dial-Out User name.• DHCP: Note the settings for DHCP Excluded Address Range and Client Name/Descriptionfor the Reserved Address range.• Routing: If the system uses OSPF MTU and OSPF WAN NBMA (Neighbor Priority andNeighbor Number), note the settings. If the configured protocol is RIP, then RIP globalparameters are upgraded and OSPF global parameters are set to the default values. Similarly, ifthe configured protocol is OSPF, then OSPF global parameters are upgraded and RIP globalparameters are set to the default values. If the configured protocol is None, then all defaultvalues are upgraded for both RIP and OSPF.• PPTP/IPSec: Determine if PPTP is active on your BCM system since it is not supported afterthe upgrade. You must use IPSec instead. You must purchase the IPSec feature with yourkeycode to activate this feature.• NAT: For each interface only the rules that are specified in the rule order are preserved afterupgrade.• WAN: Note the PPP Authentication parameters – user name and password for WANresources.• LAN: Note the connection type settings for the LAN ports.