238 Appendix I Market profile attributesNN40020-302Set capabilitiesHandsfree Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto AutoPickup group 1 None None None None None NoneAllowredirectEnabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled DisabledCall forwarddelayDisabled (4) Disabled (4) Disabled (4) Disabled (4) Disabled(4)Disabled (4) Disabled (4)Note: The field for number of rings is hidden in default mode (disabled). When you enter a value for call forward delay, the field fornumber of rings becomes visible with the given default value.Dial tone detection Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled EnabledSet preferences Language(first isdefault)UK English EnglishFrenchSpanishTurkishPortugueseEnglishSpanishSpanishEnglishFrenchEnglishFrenchSpanishEnglishFrenchSpanishDanishEnglishNorwegianSwedishONN blockingAnalog VSC(tone)1831 None None None None None NoneAnalog VSC(pulse)1831 None None None None None NoneBRI VSC None None None None None None NoneBRI per loop SuprsBit SuprsBit SuprsBit SuprsBit SuprsBit SuprsBit SuprsBitRelease reason Release text Simple Simple Simple None None None SimpleReleasecodeOn On On Off Off Off OnDTMFparametersToneduration (ms)80 120 120 120 120 120 120Pause time(ms)3.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5Interdigittime (ms)100 80 80 80 80 80 80Table 54 France, Germany, Global, Holland, Hong Kong, and Ireland parameters (Sheet 1 of 4)Functionality AttributeMarket profileFrance Germany Global HollandHongKong IrelandAccess codes Direct dial digit 9 9 0 0 0 9Dest code fordefault route0 0 9 9 9 0Table 53 Australia, Brazil, CALA, Canada, Caribbean, and Denmark parameters (Sheet 4 of 4)Functionality AttributeMarket profileAustralia Bahrain Brazil CALA Canada Caribbean Denmark