Console.NET Installation & User GuidePage 4Chapter 1: IntroductionIntroductionWith the competitiveness of business today, the need to differentiate your companyfrom the competition is crucial. Organizations using a live Attendant to answer callsrely on the Attendant to present the image of the company to the caller.Today’s Attendant requires a sophisticated, yet simple-to-use tool to help meet thischallenge. Console.NET provides the capability for Attendants to answer and directcallers in a more informed and professional manner.Console.NET displays a directory of extensions and their real-time status. TheAttendant can organize the extensions by groups such as Sales or Support.Extension buttons may be viewed by extension #, extension name, or both. Extensiondetail can also be added to inform the Attendant of information such as; caller IDname and number, DNIS/DID, target line name, line used, call duration plus muchmore.Color is used extensively to allow the Attendant to quickly identify both line andextension status. Calls on Hold, Ringing and Parked calls are all quick and easy todistinguish between. Extension buttons also change color depending upon theircondition including; Idle , Active, Do Not Disturb, Ringing and Message Notificationand Out Of Service phones are all easily identifiable.Access to Console.NET is via a web browser such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer.Developed with Microsoft.NET, Console.NET utilizes leading edge technologies suchas Web Services, XML, HTML and SOAP. Benefits of these new technologies are; Browser Access, no installation is required on the Client PC LAN or Web access Multi language Extension status of remote/networked Norstar or BCM systems Standards based Quick and simple installationConsole.NET provides a number of advanced features including; Text Messaging allows the Attendant to send a text message to the display of aNortel telephone to notify a busy employee of a call. Sticky Notes is a feature that allows the Attendant to attach a new or pre-defined message to a call. This assists an Attendant when having to go back to acaller who has been Parked or placed on Hold. Message Notification allows the Attendant to add a note to an extension viewedon the screen for quick information regarding the specific person. For example, aNotification message could read "sick today". Telephone Messaging allows any telephone set to select a message that will bedisplayed to Console.NET users and other telephones within the office.