34 Chapter 3 CS 1000 considerationsN0060720N0060720Cross-reference for CS 1000 and SRG50 terminologyThe following table compares configuration-related terms and contexts of the CS 1000 and theSRG50.Table 2 Comparison of CS 1000 and SRG50 terms and contexts (Sheet 1 of 2)Term or Context CS 1000 SRG50Dialing plan on-net / off-net dialing Private / Public network dialingType of number CDP / UDP / GDP / TNDN CDP / UDP / no equivalentNumbers TN (terminal number) MOTN (main office terminalnumber)TN = MOTN. That is, the TN from the main office is entered on the SRG50in the MOTN field (refer to “Configuring IP telephones for redirection” onpage 46).BUID (branch user ID)The dialable number of an IPtelephone at the SRG50 when it iscalled from a phone located at themain office or another branch office.The CS 1000 BUID is entered onthe SRG50 (refer to “Datafilling theS1000 IP Terminal Details panel” onpage 48) but there is no SRG50equivalent for BUID.DN (directory number)The dialable number of a telephoneat the main office when it is calledfrom another phone at the mainoffice.DN (directory number)The dialable number of a telephoneat the SRG50 when it is called fromanother phone at the SRG50.In the case of a CDP dialing plan, it is recommended that the BUID andthe SRG50 DN be the same.In the case of a UDP dialing plan, the BUID has the form: Access Code> + + . In this case, it is recommended that theSRG50 DN be the same as .The dialable number of an IP telephone at the SRG50, when dialed fromanother phone at the SRG50, remains the same in both normal and localmode if the preceding recommendations are implemented.AC1 VOIP Trunk Access Code (refer to“CS 1000 information for theSRG50” on page 43)Destination code for VoIP trunks(refer to “Call routing: configuring foroutgoing calls” on page 86)AC1 = VOIP Trunk Access Code = Destination code for VoIP trunksRouting distant steering codes (DSC), trunksteering codes (TSC), local steeringcodes (LSC)call routing, destination codes, linepool access codesdigit manipulation table dialout digits (routing)Numbering Plan ID ISDN/Telephony (E.164), Private,Telephony (E.163), Telex (F.69),Data (X.121), National StandardPrivate