63Survivable Remote Gateway 50 Configuration GuideChapter 5Setting up IP telephonesIP telephone setup and DN configuration are described in detail in the IP Telephone Installationand Configuration Guide and the BCM50 Networking Configuration Guide, respectively.SRG-specific procedures and settings include:• “Registration password” on page 63• “Local mode indication” on page 65• “IP telephone codec and jitter settings” on page 65• “Configuring telephone (DN) records” on page 66• “Configuring received numbers” on page 69• “Configuring DHCP settings” on page 70• “Call forwarding options” on page 71• “Configuration settings for redirected phones” on page 72• “Test Local Mode” on page 72• “Features in local mode” on page 73• “911 Emergency Services Support” on page 74Registration passwordIf a registration password is configured on the SRG50, the IP telephone installer must enter thepassword before the telephone can be configured.To set the IP telephone registration password1 On the SRG50 Element Manager, navigate to Configuration > Resources > TelephonyResources.2 Select the IP & Application Sets row (Figure 9).3 On the Details for Module: Internal subpanel, select the IP Terminal Global Settings tab.