Chapter 4 CS 2000 considerations 57Survivable Remote Gateway 50 Configuration GuideFigure 7 CS2000 Main Office Settings panelStep 2: Record numbers and models (call forwarding only)Telephone models are hard-coded to the telephone numbers at the main office. In normal mode, IPtelephones* at the SRG50 are registered with the main office, and the main office provides all callhandling. In order for calls coming into the SRG50 from the local PSTN to be call forwarded to themain office, the model of each IP telephone installed at the SRG50 must match the model of phoneconfigured for the corresponding number at the main office. This requires mapping the CS 2000main office directory number (MODN) to the SRG50 DN. When the following table is completed,it provides a record of the model of the IP telephone, the SRG50 DN, and the CS 2000 MODN.* Provided that the IP telephone has been configured to operate in SRG mode. Refer to“Configuration considerations for CICM interoperability with SRG50” on page 54.Note: The MODN is the DN of the telephone when it is registered at theCICM gateway.Table 8 Mapping IP telephones to MODNs and SRG50 DNs (Sheet 1 of 2)MODN SRG50 DN IP telephone model