Template files 2-5Meridian IVR VT100 Gateway Development Guide Product release 2.0/IThe action templates, screen templates, and screen.conf file are ASCII textfiles that use a simple syntax to define the screen flow and input/output fields.The sections that follow provide a detailed explanation of the templates, aswell as the information necessary to create the screen.conf file.Action templatesA VT100 transaction typically moves through several screens until it locatesspecific information. The screens may be a series of commands issued at theoperating system prompt, or they may be screens within an applicationrunning on the host computer. Whenever Meridian IVR 2.0/I references anaction template, the VT100 Gateway executes the screen templates listed inthe action template, moving through the application just as a terminaloperator would. An action template must specify the same sequence ofscreens that the terminal operator traverses.A separate action template defines each transaction. In the example shown inFigure 2-1, if you want to select a menu option other than “AccountsReceivable,” you would define another action template.Action templates describe the flow of the screens that comprise a particulartransaction. For example, if you want a transaction to access billinginformation for a specific client, as a terminal operator you would perform thefollowing steps:Procedure 2-1Accessing transaction information1 Log on to the computer.2 Start the “acct” application.3 Select the “Accounts Receivable” menu.4 When prompted, enter the client’s account number and press theReturn key. A screen would appear displaying the client’s billinginformation.5 Read the account information on the screen.In a Meridian IVR 2.0/I VT100 transaction, an initial-action templateperforms steps 1 and 2. The initial-action template automatically executeswhen the TRS process starts (initial-action templates are described later inthis chapter.). An action template created to execute this transaction wouldperform steps 3 through 5.