2-20 Template files555-9001-316 Standard 1.0 February 1996Figure 2-13The field-descriptor syntaxNote: If the application running on the host is stream-based, meaning thescreen scrolls as the user enters data and retrieves responses, you should enterthe field-descriptor as follows:0,0- BLANKOUTIn this instance, the field-descriptor will clear the TRS memory spaceassociated with the application screen so that your application call flow willknow where to retrieve the appropriate data.row,column If the TRS is going to read information from a field on thehost screen, this entry locates the field on the screen. If you know the exactlocation of the field the TRS is reading from, you can enter it in row, columnformat. If you do not know the exact location of the field the TRS is readingfrom, or if the location of the field varies, you can enter 0,0 and the TRS willsearch for a match to the name specified in field name. For unformatted,character-based applications, you must specify the exact location.In VT100 transactions, writing to the terminal screen always occurs at thecurrent cursor position. Therefore, if the field I/O action is writing text to thehost screen, the TRS will write the text to the screen at the current cursorposition regardless of the row,column you specify.row,column field-name field I/O