56 Chapter 4 Making callsNN10042-113Standard—Nortel Networks Confidentialreceives a message on their display. If the call is not retrieved then it ringsback on your telephone.Transferring a callYou can transfer a call without speaking to the person you are transferring to(blind transfer), or you can consult with the party prior to completing the transfer.Call transferWhile on a call, you can transfer a call to another party without waiting for thatparty to answer. The originating or terminating party can initiate the transfer, butis no longer involved in the call upon completing the transfer.To transfer a call1 Press the Trnsfr softkey.2 Enter the address where you want to transfer this call, or press the quickbuttons to access and select an entry from the inbox, outbox or address book.3 Press the Trnsfr softkey. The display prompts you to select whether or notyou want to consult with the called party.4 Press the No softkey to complete the transfer without consulting with theparty you are calling. The original called party is put on hold. The displayconfirms if the transfer is complete or fails.5 Press the Ok softkey to return to an idle display or, if the transfer failed, pressthe line key to reconnect the call.Call transfer with consultWhile on a call, you can call another party, speak with the person and, thentransfer the original call to the new party.Tip: If you wanted to take a call from another device, or move to aprivate office, you can park a call against yourself. In this case, theparked call will not ring back to you if you don’t pick it up within thespecified time.