Chapter 6 Advanced features and services 77i2004 Internet Telephone User GuideStandard—Nortel Networks Confidential1 Press the Servcs softkey.2 Highlight the Call Forward option and press the Select softkey. (See Notebelow if there is more than one user logged in.)3 Enter the destination address, or press an inbox, outbox or address bookquick button and select an entry from the list.4 Press the Forwrd softkey. The display beside the line button periodicallychanges to indicate that calls are now forwarded and the telephone iconappears hollow.Canceling a forwarded callTo cancel call forwarding on your line1 Press the Servcs softkey.2 Highlight the Call Forwarding option and press the Select softkey.3 Press the Ok softkey to cancel forwarding for the primary line. If there ismore than one user logged in then you will be prompted to press the linebutton next to the line that you wish to cancel forwarding.When you press the forwarded line button, call forwarding is canceledimmediately.Note: If there is more than one user logged into the i2004 InternetTelephone then you must press the line button next to the line you want toforward. Or, press the Ok softkey to forward the primary line.Tip: You can still place outgoing calls, even though your line isforwarded to another location.Tip: If you are logged into multiple Internet Telephones, every lineassociated with you will have call forwarding canceled.