52 NFS-320/E/C, NFS-320SYS/E Operations Manual — P/N 52747:E1 06/16/2011Special Zone Operation Time, Date, and Holiday FunctionsA.3 Time, Date, and Holiday FunctionsA.3.1 OverviewThe control panel includes a real-time clock that displays the time-of-day, the date, and theday-of-week. The clock includes a lithium battery backup. Time displays in a USA format (12-hourtime format with month/day/year) or a EUR (European) format as shown below:Figure A.3 Sample USA and EUR Time/Date FormatsThe control panel also provides Time Control zones F5 and F6 for time and date control functionsand zone F7 for holiday functions.A.3.2 How to View Time Control SelectionsYou can use the Read Status Entry option to view the current selection for the Time function. To doso, press the following keys in sequence:orThe LCD display shows the current selections for the Time Control function. The figure belowshows a sample LCD display of a Time Control function:Figure A.4 Sample Read Status for Time FunctionUSA Time and Date format (default)EUR Time and date formatT R O U B L C O N T R O L M O D U L E A D D R 1 M 1 5 9O P E N 0 3 : 4 8 P 0 1 1 5 0 8 1 M 1 5 9T R O U B L C O N T R O L M O D U L E A D D R 1 M 1 5 9O P E N 1 5 : 4 8 1 5 0 1 0 8 1 M 1 5 9NOTE: For instructions on programming the Time function, refer to the NFS-320 ProgrammingManual.Status ON (ON time in effect)Time Function status bannerZone F5ON time fordevices that listF5OFF time for devicesthat list F5Day-of-week selections(H=holiday selected)O N T I M E F U N C T I O N T I M E C O N T R O LO N = 0 7 : 0 0 O F F = 1 5 : 0 0 D A Y S = S M T W T F * H F 0 5