Using Dynamic Internet Links 19Host Name (column 1): Use the host name assigned to the MTA’s server. In the above example,corp, gwdev, and gwsupport are the host names assigned to three MTA servers.Class (column 2): Use IN to represent the Internet.Type (column 3): Use A to specify an address record.IP Address (column 4): Use the IP address assigned to the MTA’s server.2.4.2 Creating the Service ("SRV") or Text ("TXT") RecordYou can use either service records or text records to map your Internet domain names to MTAs. Thefollowing text shows sample "SRV" and "TXT" records:;; Service ("SRV") records; 172800 IN SRV 1 0 7100 corp.serv.novlgwmtp.tcp.groupwise IN SRV 1 1 7100 corp.serv.novlgwmtp.tcp.groupwise IN SRV 1 2 7100 172800 IN SRV 1 0 7100 172800 IN SRV 2 0 7100 corp.serv.novl;; Text ("TXT") records; 172800 IN TXT "1 0 7100 corp.serv.novl"gwmtp.tcp.groupwise IN TXT "1 1 7100 corp.serv.novl"gwmtp.tcp.groupwise IN TXT "1 2 7100 gwdev.serv.novl" 172800 IN TXT "1 0 7100 gwsup.serv.novl" 172800 IN TXT "2 0 7100 corp.serv.novl"Service.Protocol.Name (column 1): The service must be specified as gwmtp. The protocol mustbe specified as tcp. The name corresponds to the Internet domain name you want associated withthe MTA. In the above sample,,, and are theInternet domain names defined in GroupWise.Time to Live (column 2): TTL (time to live) is the amount of time the record is cached in memoryso it doesn’t need to be looked up again. TTL is specified in seconds. In the above sample, 172800represents 2 days. If you don’t specify a TTL, the record is not cached.Class (column 3): Enter IN to represent the Internet.Type (column 4): Enter SRV to specify a service record. Enter TXT to specify a text record.Priority (column 5): If an Internet domain name is associated with two different MTAs, the hostwith the lowest value is always contacted first. For example, a host with priority 1 is contactedbefore a host with priority 2. If two records with the same Internet domain name have the samepriority, the weight number is used. In the above example, the two recordshave the same priority, so the weight would be used.Weight (column 6): The weight number specifies how to allocate connections among hosts withequal priorities. In the record above, the corp.serv.novl host and thegwdev.serv.novl host have equal priorities, but the corp.serv.novl host has a weight of 1and the gwdev.serv.novl host has a weight of 2. This means that 1 out of 3 times the