Planning the Merge 579.5.3 Releasing the Secondary Domains in Site #2You will release GroupWise secondary domain databases in Site #2 before you merge them into Site#1. A released domain database is one that you disassociate from a primary domain. In effect, eachreleased domain (which shows as an external domain for Site #1) is its own, independent system.Figure 9-3 GroupWise Systems with Site #2 Secondary Domain ReleasedIn the above illustration, the secondary domain in the Lakewood system has been released tobecome its own primary domain. Each primary domain in the Lakewood system maintains a directconnection with the Headquarters domain in Site #1 through the Headquarters external domaincreated earlier for the Lakewood system.Releasing a secondary domain requires the system to use drive mappings or UNC paths to locate thedomains to be released. If you have established a system connection to Site #2 through yournetwork, you can release a Site #2 secondary domain in the GroupWise View. When you release asecondary domain, it becomes an external Site #2 domain and is considered a primary-level domainin its own single-domain system. The released (that is, external) domain can then be merged intoSite #1 to become a secondary domain there.If the systems are not connected (worksheet item 4), the Site #2 GroupWise administrator must havenetwork access to the temporary holding directories where you copied the wpdomain.db files forthe Site #2 primary and secondary domains. You need to establish a system connection to thetemporary directory where you copied the Site #2 primary domain database before you can release aSite #2 secondary domain.WORKSHEETUnder Item 20: Link Configuration Fields, enter the information needed for the following link configurationfields for each direct link you will create:Description: Indicate which domains are being directly linked.Link Type: Select Direct as the type of link between the domains.Settings - Protocol: Select UNC as the protocol for communication between the domains.Settings - Path or UNC Path: Enter the UNC path to the domain being merged.