Merging the GroupWise Systems 71temporary directory so that you can keep track of which domain the database belongs to. Onesuggested strategy is to create a temporary directory and then create subdirectories in it thatmatch the names of the primary and secondary domains.2 Make a copy of each wpdomain.db file in its appropriate holding directory.3 Make a copy of the gwdom.dc file from the domain subdirectory of your softwaredistribution directory in each holding directory.11.5 Releasing Site #2 Secondary Domains1 In ConsoleOne, make sure you are connected to Site #2’s primary domain (worksheet item 5).2 In the GroupWise View, right-click the secondary domain you want to release (worksheet item8), click GroupWise Utilities > System Maintenance to display the GroupWise SystemMaintenance dialog box.3 Select Release Secondary, then click Run to launch the Release Domain Advisor.4 In the Release Domain dialog box, click Next.5 If the Rights Warning dialog box is displayed, make sure you have sufficient rights (seeSection 10.1, “Setting Up Administrator Rights,” on page 65), then click Next.6 Take care of any pending operations, then click Next.7 In the Path to Domain dialog box, select the domain directory (if it is not already displayed),then click Next.8 In the System Name dialog box, specify a name for the new GroupWise system that will becreated for the released domain, then click Next.9 In the Update eDirectory Objects dialog box, select Yes if you have access to the eDirectoryTMtree in which the domain is located, then click Next.orIf you don’t have access to the domain’s eDirectory tree, select No, then click Next. After yourelease the domain, you will need to send the released domain’s database to someone who hasaccess to the domain’s eDirectory tree. He or she can then use the Graft GroupWise Objectsutility to update the domain’s objects in the eDirectory tree (see “Graft GroupWise Objects” in“GroupWise Utilities” in “System” in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide).10 If you have not already done so, shut down the primary domain’s MTA and the MTA thatservices the domain you are releasing, then click Next.11 In the Ready to Release dialog box, click Release to start the release process.When the process is finished, the Domain Successfully Released dialog box is displayed.12 Click Done to return to the GroupWise System Maintenance dialog box, then click Close.The secondary domain has now been released to become its own GroupWise system. It isdisplayed as an external domain in Site #2.13 Restart the MTAs in case you need to take care of any pending operations for the next domainyou release.14 Repeat Step 2 through Step 13 for every Site #2 secondary domain you want to release(worksheet item 5 and worksheet item 10).When you have released all of the Site #2 secondary domains, you are ready to proceed withmerging the domains into Site #1. For more information, see Section 11.8, “Merging a Site #2Domain into Site #1,” on page 72.