Merging the GroupWise Systems116711Merging the GroupWise SystemsThe information in this section helps you to merge Site #2 into Site #1. The Merge PlanningWorksheet contains all the information the merge process prompts you for. (If you have severalworksheets because you are merging three or more systems, you will only use one worksheet eachtime you follow the steps in this section.) Some tasks apply only to systems that cannot be directlyconnected. If you selected Yes for worksheet item 1, be sure you are using the worksheet for theGroupWise® system being merged.Do the following tasks to merge Site #2 into Site #1. Section 11.1, “Creating External Domains for Both Systems,” on page 67 Section 11.2, “Configuring Links Between Site #2 Domains and Site #1 Secondary Domains,”on page 69 Section 11.3, “Checking Links to External Domains for Both Systems,” on page 69 Section 11.4, “Creating Temporary Holding Directories,” on page 70 Section 11.5, “Releasing Site #2 Secondary Domains,” on page 71 Section 11.6, “Sending Site #2 Databases to the Site #1 Administrator,” on page 72 Section 11.7, “Receiving Site #2 Databases at Site #1,” on page 72 Section 11.8, “Merging a Site #2 Domain into Site #1,” on page 72 Section 11.9, “Merging the Next GroupWise System,” on page 73 Section 11.10, “Sending the Merged Site #2 Databases to Site #2,” on page 73 Section 11.11, “Restarting the GroupWise Agents,” on page 73 Section 11.12, “Testing the Merged System,” on page 7411.1 Creating External Domains for BothSystemsThis section applies only if the systems you are merging are not already connected through externaldomains (worksheet item 4).Both the Site #1 and Site #2 administrators must create an external domain to represent the domainstructure in the corresponding system. In other words, if you are the Site #1 administrator, you willcreate Site #2 external domains in your system to represent the domains in Site #2. If you are theSite #2 administrator, you will create Site #1 external domains in your system to represent thedomains in Site #1.Refer to the appropriate section for instructions: Section 11.1.1, “Creating Site #1 External Domains in Site #2,” on page 68 Section 11.1.2, “Creating Site #2 External Domains in Site #1,” on page 68