NVIDIA Corporation 117Chapter 7Configuring Key ForceWare Graphics Driver Features• Use onboard DIN connector — If your graphics card has a built‐in 3‐pin DINconnector, select this option to enable the feature. In this case, you do not needextra adapters such as those shipped with the ELSA 3D Revelator orStereoGraphics glasses. You can connect any stereo hardware using the 3‐pin‐DIN connector directly to the graphics card.• Use blue‐line‐code for StereoGraphics products — Select this option if you usean adapter shipped with StereoGraphics StereoEyes or compatible products.These adapters translate the monitor signal to the standardized 3‐pin DINconnector used by most of available stereo hardware.You don't need to use the adapter if your graphics card has a built-in 3-pin DINconnector.Swap eyes (L becomes R, R becomes L)Applies to graphics cards based on newer NVIDIA GPUs, such as the Quadro FXseries.In case you cannot view a stereo effect, select this option to exchange the left andright images. In general, you may need to enable this option only on vertical interlacemonitors and in passive mode.Enable OverlayApplies to graphics cards based on newer NVIDIA GPUs, such as the Quadro FXseries.On enables the NVIDIA driver to export overlay pixel formats so that OpenGLapplications can use overlays.Some applications (for example, Softimage3D) require overlay planes, which areused as a paletted surface in addition to the normal color (RGB) buffer. Overlays areespecially useful for overlapping drawing areas that are independent of the 3D imageitself, such as menus and cursors.Tip: If the stereo or overlay features do not work properly, you may want totry setting different screen resolutions and refresh rates until you arriveat a setting or combination of settings for better results.Tip: If the stereo or overlay features do not work properly, you may want totry setting different screen resolutions and refresh rates until you arriveat a setting or combination of settings for better results.