106 Quadro Workstation User’s GuideChapter 7Configuring Key ForceWare Graphics Driver Featurescheck the associated check box, and save the profile with a new name. Or ifyou don’t save the profile with a new name, you can always use the Restorebutton to restore the profile to its original state.4 From the driver settings list, click a setting that you want to change for theselected application profile. Notice that the setting is highlighted.5 Select the check box (inserts a check mark) for that setting and click Apply. Noticethat its slider appears at the bottom of the page.6 If the Application-controlled check box is checked, click the check box to clear thecheck mark and click Apply.7 Use the slider to modify the setting to suit your needs. Refer to the followingsections for additional information:8 Repeat steps 4 through 7 for each driver setting you want to change.9 Be sure to click Apply after each change you make to a driver setting.Note: If you do not want to save these settings with a new name, these settingsautomatically become part of the existing profile. But you can always click theRestore button to restore the settings to their original state.10To save the changed profile settings with a new name, click the Modify Profilebutton, then click Save As to display the Save Settings dialog box (Figure 7.5).11 From the Save Settings dialog box, you can either retain the existing name orrename the profile.If you retain the existing name, thus overwriting the profile with the new settings,you can always click the Restore button to restore the original settings when youselect this profile from the Application profile list.If you renamed the profile (Figure 7.6), then it is considered a “new” profile andthe Remove button appears when you retrieve the profile from the Applicationprofile list. You can always remove these types of profiles from the list.