NVIDIA Corporation 57Chapter 4Using nView Multi-Display SettingsFigure 4.17 Configuring Screen Resolution for Virtual Desktop — From nView DisplaySettings Page4 Use the Screen resolution slider to set the resolution so that the primary display’sresolution is greater than the secondary display’s resolution.Note: If you set the same screen resolution value for both primary and secondarydisplays, you cannot pan/scan the desktop area on the secondary display;both displays will remain static.5 Use the Screen resolution slider to set the resolution so that the primary display’sresolution is greater than the secondary display’s resolution.Note: If you set the same screen resolution value for both primary and secondarydisplays, you cannot pan/scan the desktop area on the secondary display;both displays will remain static.6 Optional: If you want, you can select a refresh rate from the list box.7 Click Apply and OK close the Screen Resolution & Refresh Rates page and returnto the nView Display Settings page.Note: Now that you have adjusted the screen resolutions, notice that you canmove your mouse horizontally and/or vertically all the way across the