Page 1-181-3 Using the Scanner Function(2) Border erase mode (“Erase”)With this mode, you can erase the dark shadows and lines that appear when scanning originals such asbooks, magazines, etc.• “Sheet Erase” ......... Select this setting when you want to erase the surrounding border of the original.Border• “Book Erase” .......... Select this setting when you want to erase the surrounding border as well as thecenter line of the original.Border Center* It is possible for you to select the size of the border that will be erased.(3) Output by page function (“Output by page”)With this mode, the original is scanned and a file is created and sent for each individual page of the scannedoriginal.If this function is set to “off” when scanning multiple originals, all of the originals will be scanned and savedinto a single file.