13Who are the Océ VarioPrint® 1055/65/75 usersWho are the Océ VarioPrint® 1055/65/75 usersIntroductionThe Océ VarioPrint® 1055/65/75 documentation is meant for three types of users.Each user has defined tasks related to the Océ VarioPrint® 1055/65/75 system. ThisConfiguration and maintenance manual describes the tasks of the Key operator.Types of users and their tasks[3]Types of users TasksEnd user ■ Print documents from computer or USB stick.■ Copy paper documents.■ Scan paper documents to a server, a USB stick or Emailaddress.■ Add paper to the paper trays■ Clear paper jams.Key operator Uses the Key Operator System to:■ Define access-security to machine and the machine'scomponents.■ Set the default job settings.■ Control the paper trays.■ Control the output.■ Control the print mode.■ Obtain the system information.■ Set energy save timers.■ Maintain the Accounting system.Performs the following maintenance tasks:■ Maintain the machine supplies.■ Solve easy machine problems.SystemadministratorUses the Océ System Configuration application to:■ Control the connection of the system to the network.■ Configure the scan server.■ Configure the print server.■ Configure print protocols.■ Configure the print languages.■ Maintain the accounts database.■ Create scan profiles.