50 Chapter 7 Access securityAbout the access-secured system of the Network PrinterAccess security of the Network PrinterAbout the access-secured system of the Network PrinterIntroductionAn access-secured system allows you to perform the following tasks:■ Define which users can access the machine to start mailbox, copy and scan jobs.■ Define which user can perform automatic print jobs.■ Define the job-page limit for each user.■ Follow the number of job-page clicks the users have done.To create an access-secured system, proceed as follows:1. Secure the access to the machine.When the access to the machine is secured, all authorized users need a unique PINto enter the display menu. If the PIN is correct, the user can start mailbox, copy andscan jobs (see ‘A valid user account’ on page 118).2. Secure automatic printing (see ‘Secure automatic printing’ on page 54).3. Enter the accounting system. Define the authorization for each user or each usergroup (see ‘About the accounting system’ on page 116).To accept external users, a copy control device can be a part of the system.Access-secured systemAn access-secured system has the following properties:[14]Authorized users can use the machine until the job page limit of the user account isreached (Accounting system) (see ‘Defining the Job-page Limit’ on page 124).PropertiesThe 'Access to machine' is 'Secured' (Key operator system) (see ‘Secure the accessto the Network Printer machine’ on page 52).The authorized users have a PIN (Accounting system) (see ‘Assign or change aPIN’ on page 122).The authorized users have a valid user account (Accounting system) (see ‘Changethe account number’ on page 121).