1 Overview1-2 cm3521Machine modesThe printer driver settings are mainly set using a computer, however, the fontlist can be printed, and the printer controller settings and default print set-tings can be set using the control panel of this machine. In addition, fax andscanning operations can be used by switching the mode.To switch between modes, press the mode keys on the control panel.[Copy]This machine can be used as a copier.[Scan]This machine can be used as a scanner.[Fax]This machine can be used for faxing.[Box]This machine can be used to store jobs and as a document folder for for-warding data to a computer over the network.2 NoteYou can use this machine as a printer in all modes.Change the default print settings in the Utility mode.Power Save BoxAccess ABC DEFJKLGHI MNOTUVPQRS WXYZMode MemoryMode CheckUtility/CounterFax Scan Copy ResetInterruptPowerStopProof CopyStartData Main PowerHelpAccessibilityEnlarge DisplayContrast