C9300/C9500 Setting up • 47INK SIMULATION Off; SWOP The printer has its own processsimulation generator whichsimulates standard colors in theprinter.This function is enabled only withPostscript language jobs.INK LIMIT Dark; Medium;LightSelects the limit of the tonerlayer thickness. If paper curloccurs in DARK printing,selecting MEDIUM or LIGHTsometimes helps reduce curl.CMY 100%DENSITYDisable; enable Selects enable/disable 100%output against the CMY100%TRC compensation. Ordinarily,the TRC compensation functioncontrols the appropriate printdensity; thus, 100% output is notalways enabled. SelectingENABLE will allow 100% output.In actual printing, the TRCvalues, too, are controlled byColor Matching. This function isused for special purposes; forexample, to specify the color forCMYK color space in PS.System configuration menuThe default settings are bold.Item Value DescriptionPOWER SAVEDELAY TIME5 min; 15 min; 30min; 60 min; 240minSets the time before printerenters power save mode.PERSONALITY Auto emulation;PCL; IBM PPR IIIXL; Epson FX;AdobePostScripSelects the printer emulationlanguage. Note: the only printerlanguages that can be selectedare those enabled in thePersonality section of theMaintenance menu.Color Menu (continued)The default settings are bold.Item Value Description