C9300/C9500 Setting up • 59Memory menuThe default settings are bold.Item Value DescriptionRECEIVE BUFFSIZEAuto; OFF; 0.5MB; 1 MB; 2 MB; 4MB; 8 MB; 16 MB;32 MBSets the size of the receivebuffer and depends on theamount of memory installed inthe printer.RESOURCESAVEAUTO; Off; 0.5MB; 1 MB; 2 MB; 4MB; 8 MB; 16 MB;32 MBSet the size of the font cachearea and depends on theamount of memory installed inthe printer.FLASHINITIALIZEExecute Initializes flash memory ifinstalled.PS FLASHRESIZE0% [n.n MB] TO90% [n.n MB], in10% incrementsChanges the size of the flashmemory area. “n.n” indicates theactual size in MB.Note: Special data is stored inthe Flash Memory, therefore youcannot specify 100%.