ES 1220n Software Utilities • 320PrintSuperVision UtilityGeneral InformationPrintSuperVision is a web-based application for managing printingdevices connected to a network. PrintSuperVision provides access tonetworked printer data for monitoring, reporting and managingnetworked printers. It provides a full range of management functionsfor Oki printers, and for other brands of printers as well.Installing PrintSuperVision1. Place the driver CD supplied with your printer in your CD-ROMdrive and wait for the Menu Installer to open.(If the CD does not AutoPlay, click Start → Run → Browse.Browse to your CD-ROM and double-click Install.exe, then clickOK.)2. Click Next to accept the terms in the license agreement.3. Click Network Software → Administration Tools →PrintSuperVision and follow the on-screen instructions.Features• Provides real-time status of all your printers to monitor and reportprinter usage, manage consumables usage and replenishment.• Interfaces to the system via a standard web browser enabling youto check on printer status and compatible multi-function devicesfrom anywhere on the web.• Performs initial discovery and configuration of printing devicesconnected to network.• Lets you view groups of printers by list, floorplan or maps.• Monitors devices over time, including maintenance data, andsaves data for statistical reports.• Sends mail alerts of events affecting device functionality.• Generates reports on-screen or in XHTML, Excel, XML, Text, andCSV formats.• Integrates with Oki Data’s on-line web support.