Configuring your machine > 55PCL emulationError Report ON/OFF If ON, the MFP will print error detailswhen a PostScript Emulation erroroccurs.ITEM CHOICE DESCRIPTIONITEM CHOICE DESCRIPTIONFont Source RESIDENT /RESIDENT 2Specifies the location of the PCLdefault font. Normally this will beINTERNAL unless additional fonts areinstalled in the expansion ROM slot oradditional fonts have beendownloaded to RAM as permanentfonts.Font No. I0~I89 Sets the current default font numberfrom the currently selected source,which could be internal (I), ROM slot(C) or downloaded (S).Font Pitch 0.44 CPI~10.00CPI~99.99 CPIPoint size of selected default font.Symbol Set PC-8 PCL symbol set. If the font source andnumber are changed to one whichdoes not support the selected symbolset, this must be changed to anavailable symbol set for that font.A4 PrintWidth78 COLUMN80 COLUMNSets the number of columns subjectto Auto LF with A4 paper in PCL. Thisis the value when Auto CR/LF Mode isset to OFF with the 10CPI character.White PageSkipOFF/ON Selects whether blank pages areprinted or not.CR Function CR / CR+LF Selects whether a received carriagereturn character (0Dh) also causes aline feed.LF Function LF / LF+CR Selects whether a received line feedcharacter (0Ah) also causes acarriage return.Print Margin NORMAL1/5 INCH (5.08 mm)1/6 INCH (4.24 mm)Sets the non-printable page area.NORMAL is PCL compatible.