Configuring your machine > 64When using Apache as HTTP server, according to theirdocumentation, it must have SCRIPT to run the HTTP PUTmethod. Although the document is attached with a Perl example,you will need to modify it before applying it, since this MFP usesTransfer-encoding of Chunked. In addition, the Apache will haveto be set to accept this MFP. For more information refer to therelevant Apache documentation.CIFSCIFS (Windows Network Share) is a file saving protocol generallyused for “resource sharing” of a network in Microsoft Windowssystems. Set up the “shared directory” as per the networksettings for sharing in MS Windows. Under the User level modeof Windows 2000, use the account and password with theprivilege of “write” as the login name and Password for the MFPfolder.SETTING THE FAX FACILITYINITIAL SET UPThe following parameters must be set before using the faxfunction on your MFP:> Date and time> Country code> Station ID and numberThere are other parameters that can be adjusted to suit yourpersonal preferences later if required, refer to fax set up table fordetails (See “Fax settings” on page 41.).To set fax parameters:1. Press the Menu button to prompt the menu settingsscreen.2. Using the UP arrow key, navigate to Management andpress OK.3. When prompted, enter the password and press OK.4. Press OK to select Date/Time.