Overview|Warranty, Regulatory Information, and Specifications 15Regulatory InformationFederal Communications Commission(FCC) Requirements for End UsersThis device has been granted a registration number bythe Federal Communications Commission, under Part 68rules and regulations for direct connection to the tele-phone lines. In order to comply with these FCC rules, thefollowing instructions must be carefully read and appli-cable portions followed completely.1 This equipment complies with Part 68 of FCC rules.On the back of the equipment is a label that con-tains, among other information, the FCC registra-tion number and ringer equivalence number (REN)for this equipment. If requested, this informationmust be provided to the telephone company.2 The following USOC jacks may be used with thisequipment: RJ11C.3 The REN is used to determine the quantity ofdevices which may be connected to the telephoneline. Excessive REN’s on the telephone line mayresult in the devices not ringing in response to anemergency call. In most, but not all areas, the sumof the REN’s should not exceed five (5.0). To becertain of the number of devices that may beconnected to the line, as determined by the totalREN’s, contact the telephone company to deter-mine the maximum REN for your calling area.4 If the equipment causes harm to the telephonenetwork, the telephone company will notify you inadvance. But if advance notice isn’t practical, thetelephone company will notify the customer assoon as possible. Also, you will be advised of yourright to file a complaint with the FCC if you believeit is necessary.