ML790/791 Printer Handbook 109Print BarcodePrint FeaturesSelect LQ TypefaceSelect FontASCII: ESC [ f Ln Hn DATA16-digit: 1B 5B 70 Ln Hn DATA10-digit: 27 91 112 Ln Hn DATAASCII: ESC k nDec: 27 107 nHex: 1B 6B nASCII: ESC [I j h Hfid Lfid Hfwd Lfwd faNul Hc LcDec: 27 91 73 j h Hfid Lfid Hfwd Lfwd faNul Hc LcHex: 1B 5B 49 j h Hfid Lfid Hfwd Lfwdfa Nul Hc LcIBMFunctionCommands(ASCII, Decimal, Hexadecimal)Pc: specifies the control information.Pc Descriptionbit0 sets the check digit.0: does not add check digit.1: add check digit.bit1 sets the human-readable character.0: performs print.1: does not perform print.bit2 (reserved)bit3 (reserved)bit4 (reserved)bit5 (reserved)bit6 (reserved)bit7 (reserved)Prints the barcode.Ln Hn: indicates the byte number (=Ln+Hn x 256) of the parameter locatedafter Ln HnDATA: Barcode dataOKI unique command. Selects typefaceaccording to value of n:n=0: Romann=1: Swissn=2: Couriern=3: Prestigen=4: Scriptn=5: OCR-Bn=6: OCR-An=7: Oratorn=8: Orator-Sn=122: Swiss Boldn=124: GothicSets the font typeface, character widthand spacing attributes.j, h: set number of parameters to follow,calculated as j + (h x 256) bytesj, h=0 or1: command invalidj, h=2, 3: fid setting valid, other modesunchangedj, h=4: fid, fwd settings valid; fa unchan-gedj, h=5: all settings validj, h=6 or more: all settings and parameterdata beyond 6 bytes will be ignoredNotes