ML790/791 Printer Handbook 91Print FeaturesUtility / LQ SelectionSelect Draft FontSelect LQ TypefaceSelect font by pitch andpointASCII: ESC x nDec: 27 120 nHex: 1B 78ASCII: ESC y nDec: 27 121 nHex: 1B 79 nASCII: ESC k nDec: 27 107 nHex: 1B 6B nASCII: ESC X m n 1 n 2Dec: 27 88 m n 1 n 2Hex: 1B 58 m n 1 n 2EpsonFunctionCommands(ASCII, Decimal, Hexadecimal)n=0: Utility printingn=1: NLQ printingSelect Draft Font type.n= 0: Utilityn= 1: HSDn=0: Romann=1: Swissn=2: Couriern=3: Prestigen=7: Oratorn=122: Swiss Boldn=124: Gothicn=126: MENU settingSelects Multipoint (scalable font) mode.Printable font is selected by characterpitch and pointCharacter pitchm=0: unchangedm=1: Proportionalm>5: m /360 inchPoint size=(n1 + [n2 x 256]) x 0.5 pointPoint size can be selected between aminimum of 8 point to a maximum of 64point.Notes