56Ploblem Solving,…my word processor files don’t print the way I have the MENU and front panel set?Before sending a file to the printer, many word processors send either an “initializa-tion string” or an I-Prime signal to the printer.The initialization storing contains codes that reset the printer to a default set of fea-tures: otherwise the printer might accidentally print using features set for a previousjob. These codes will override panel or MENU settings. To set your printer to ignorethe reset code, enter the printer MENU (hold SHIFT button while pressing SEL/MENUbutton) and change the Reset Inhibit item (in the Set-Up group) to Yes. Please notethat while this will stop the reset code from resetting your printer, other codes in theinitialization string may still override the printer MENU and/ or front panel settings.The I-Prime signal is sent over the parallel interface (pin 31) and will automaticallyoverride any settings you have made using the front panel buttons. To eliminate thisproblem, enter the program MENU (hold SHIFT button while pressing SEL/MENUbutton) and change the I-Prime item (in the Parallel I/F group) to Invalid.…the Print Quality and Character Pitch buttons on the front panel won’t work?The Operator Panel Function item on the printer MENU can be used to disable thesebuttons. If the printer is part of a customized system or if it is used by a number ofpeople, the system manager may have used this option to make sure the printer isalways set properly.…static electricity causes the paper to stick?In cold, dry weather, static charges can build up on continuous-form paper. This canmake the paper cling to the paper separator. If you have this problem during high-volume printing jobs, try moving the single sheet paper guides on the separator to-gether so that the paper rests on the guides rather than on the separator itself.